Friday, May 10, 2013

June Cleaver the archetype of the 1950s housewife

The media during the 1950s helped shape gender roles for both men and women. For example, many Americans during this time were tuned into their television sets watching the family sitcom, Leave it to Beaver, where June Cleaver was portrayed as the archetype of what the 1950's housewife is supposed to look like and act like, setting up the standards for the many housewives watching at home. These standards were set high as June was dress ed up everyday and appeared flawless while doing her house chores. June was also an active socialite in her community who hosted parties for her friends. June was also a college graduate, but instead of pursuing a career she was a housewife. Despite having a college  education, June rarely had an opinion of her own and was obedient to the demands of her

Leave it to Beaver stressed the fact that women belonged in the kitchen and inside the home doing the cleaning and cooking. For example, in the video that I have attached below June’s husband, Ward, lectures his son on what the roles of men and women were suppose to be like as he emphasized that  “a woman’s place is in the home.” Not only was Ward implying that a woman’s role in the home was to do all the cooking and housework but he also implied that women were incapable of cooking without the facilitation of cooking devices.  Therefore, women were portrayed as being inferior to men and unable to do any work outside the home. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, I guess cave women also had all the modern conveniences!
